Safety is a vital part of motorsport, every bit as important as speed, and being prepared for any and every eventuality is essential. Without taking all of the necessary precautions, a real disaster is just moments away at any race meeting. Fire extinguishers are one of the most important pieces of safety equipment both inside and outside the car, allowing you to prepare for crashes that result in the car or motorcycle catching fire or anything that sparks as a result of a fuel leak or electrical short. From small hand held fire extinguishers and plumbed in extinguisher systems mounted in-car in accordance to the regulations, to larger extinguishers and accessories that remain inside the garage just in case, Lifeline produce them all and the product range can make a massive difference on and off the track. Lifeline also produce a wide range of motorsport safety equipment including mirrors and steering wheel bosses as part of their range of motorsport proven products.