Shift It
Racing is hard, hot work sometimes and it can leave your racewear looking (and smelling) pretty poor. Having put so much blood, sweat and tears into a race meeting you want to ensure that your leathers and helmet are ready to go again next time out, and that means giving them some TLC to restore them to their pre-race glory. The sparkling clean helmet complete with crystal-clear visor can be restored with the help of some Shift-it helmet cleaner and polish (along with some Shift-it helmet fresh on the inside), while your leathers can be treated with some Shift-it leather clean and feed, followed by some waterproofer, to allow you to remove the grease and grime picked up from other racers and materials from the circuit. Shift-it have developed an extensive range of helmet and leather cleaners suitable for all forms of motorsport allowing racers to remove tough dirt from their gear without affecting the structure or quality of expensive leathers or racing helmets. Of course, it's not just racers who can benefit, as Shift-it cleaning products can get city centre fuel fumes out of your leather suit and restore the stunning colour scheme to your helmet.