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Cibie Super Oscar LED Lamp - Wide Beam Version
From JP¥39,039 Ex VAT From JP¥39,039 INC VAT
Cibie Replacement Lens Covers
JP¥5,761 Ex VAT JP¥5,761 INC VAT
Cibie Mini Oscar LED Lamp
JP¥37,156 Ex VAT JP¥37,156 INC VAT
Cibie  inchAirport inch Style Lamp
JP¥9,377 Ex VAT JP¥9,377 INC VAT
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The types of lights used in motorsport have always been different to those used in typical motoring. In rallying and off-road racing the headlamps in particular are needed to provided the extra light required to shine brightly on the loose and twisting terrain, with rally photographs dating back decades all showing that the leading cars were fitted with bigger lights. Cibie is a brand that makes lights specifically for this type of racing with modern LEDs fitted inside the traditional style of rally and motorsport headlamps. Models like the Cibie Oscar and Super Oscar lights can be fitted to a range of different makes and models to give them the classic motorsport look, along with matching fog lights and lens covers.