If you look after your car and keep maintaining it then you also prolong the life of the vehicle, keeping it on the road or track for longer than many would deem possible. Car care and cleaning products from experts like Simoniz and their range of car wax, cleaning products and paints allow you to protect key car parts such as the engine and bodywork through high temperature-resistant sprays, similar to those used inside the vehicle to keep the interior looking and smelling fresh. Simoniz engine enamel, for example, is an aerosol paint suitable for both car and motorcycle engines that will then provide a long-lasting base coat which can then be painted to restore the original look of the engine bay - especially the cylinder heads. Inside the car it's important to keep it looking its best, making it the kind of place you want to spend your time, and Simoniz car cleaning kits and dash cleaners can help to give it the once over, removing any tough dirt or smells that may be lingering and restoring the showroom-fresh look and shine.