Silkolene Pro Boost Octane Booster Fuel Additive
The Silkolene Pro Boost Octane Booster Fuel Additive is a high performance octane improver that is also designed to prevent pre-ignition or knocking.
- High performance octane improver
- Designed to prevent pre-ignition or knocking
- Enhances combustion, reduces upper cylinder wear and burns cleanly
- Reduce heavy exhaust gas pollution in cold engine
- Compatible with all forms of petrol
- Does not harm fuel hoses or filters
The Silkolene Pro Boost Octane Booster Fuel Additive has a unique lead-free formula which enhances combustion, reduces upper cylinder wear and burns cleanly without leaving deposits in the combustion chamber. Throttle response is improved and helps to reduce heavy exhaust gas pollution when the engine is cold. Pro Boost is also compatible with all forms of petrol and does not harm fuel hoses or filters.
Recommended Application - suitable for all 2 & 4 stroke engines.
Please note - Does not contain lead or aniline.
Available in a 1 litre bottle, mix at 1-3% of the total fuel for the best results. The improvement in octane depends on the base fuel characteristics, however a Pro Boost dose of 1.5% can be expected to raise MON by 0.5 to 2.
Product Specification not currently available.
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